
We believe that being organized is easy and everyone can do it.
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TeuxDeux App
Released on
Oct 27, 2020
Jun 4, 2024
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We believe that being organized is easy and everyone can do it.

Our philosophy is clear: simple *stays* organized. If you want an organization system that will last, you need something easy for you to implement and continue using for years to come.

For simplicity, nothing beats a piece of paper – except a piece of paper that can be magically accessed by you from anywhere.

We know people probably love the meditative nature of throwing away a part of a tree, but we sync everywhere so you can't lose us.

So that’s what TeuxDeux is: simple, syncing paper.

Keeping organization simple will bring you:


*We're the most refreshing task manager in a sea of Red Bull and Monster Drink cans.*

– A single, streamlined view of your day (just like a paper to-do list!) so you can clearly see all of your items

– Procrastinate with our intuitive 'Swipe to Tomorrow' gesture

– Re-arrange your lists with simple drag and drop for tasks

– Custom colors and a beautiful, clean design so that every time you open your to-do list, you like what you see

*(There are also flying cats hiding in TeuxDeux but – similar to the gravity-locked ones in real life – they don't help with anything.)*


*Greet each day with an uncluttered mind.*

– Automatic task rollover so you can try again tomorrow to finish what you left undone today

– Recurring to-dos for those things you need to do every day, every week, every month, and so on…

– With Markdown and emoji support, TeuxDeux is your handmade to-do list. A beautiful, elegant way to get stuff done. ✨


*A simple tool for making and keeping your commitments—to yourself, your work, and your loved ones.*

– Stash ideas, bucket list items, and plans for later with our unlimited Someday lists.

– Add a new task with one click – so easy you can do it with your eyes closed (or under the table during a meeting)

– Our clean and simple interface is free from distraction – so you can get it all done without interruption

Best of all? We're free to use on Android. And free beats paper, every time.

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